Debunking Subliminal Messages: Do They Really Improve Your Confidence?

Subliminal messages are a popular tool for confidence building. And they have been for many years. Nowadays you can buy a variety of subliminal audio (and sometimes video) recordings to play to yourself. These recordings contain messages with a speed or intensity that makes them imperceptible at a conscious level, but the idea is that…

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Shyness, Social Anxiety and Introversion: The Differences Explained

Here’s a question I got recently from Bryan, in California, who is a reader of my social confidence newsletter (which, by the way, you can join for free using the opt-in box on the sidebar to the right): “What is the difference between shyness, social anxiety and introversion? All these terms confuse me.” Yeah, these…

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Turning Temporary Confidence into Lasting Confidence

Many of the shy and socially anxious people I coach, when they start working with me, they report that in some occasional social situations they do feel relaxed and confident, and then conversations run much smoother and their social interactions are enjoyable. But these situations are few and far between, and they would like to…

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A Practical Blueprint for Effortless Conversation

Do you often struggle with talking to people? Do you sometimes find it hard to know what to say in a discussion, to keep a conversation going, or to get the other person really interested in talking to you? A lot of the people I work with as a social confidence coach have these issues.…

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The 4 Pillars of Developing Sharp Social Skills

I’ve been coaching others in improving their social skills and social confidence for over 6 years now. One thing that became vividly clear to me over the years is that conversation and social skills are just like most other skills, in the sense that they can be developed deliberately. I often think of developing social…

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Becoming Witty and Funny: What Works and What Doesn’t

My job since 2008 has been helping others improve their social confidence and social skills. I get a lot of questions from people who seek to better themselves in these two areas. One of the most common questions I receive is “How can I be witty and funny in conversation?” Many people want to enhance…

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