Hi! I’m Eduard Ezeanu. I’m a social confidence coach and the author of the Conversation Confidence guide.

EduardFor the past 6+ years, my main professional activity has been working with shy and socially anxious men and women, and helping them improve their social confidence, social skills and social life.

I’ve created Social Confidence Code as a resource website for people who want to overcome their social insecurities, get better at talking to others and have fulfilling relationships. On it you can read a set of practical articles related to everything social, join my free social advice newsletter (the opt-in is to your right), and learn about my products and services.

I first became interested in this area at some point in college, because I was looking for a solution for my own crippling social insecurities, which were ruining my social life. At that time, this was me and my social life:

  • I was in my 20s and social situations scared the hell out of me. I rarely went out, and I spent nearly all my free time watching movies, playing computer games and aimlessly surfing the web.
  • I felt nervous and self-conscious when talking to people. I was particularly intimidated by strangers, groups of people and attractive women.
  • I was very quiet during conversations, and I would let others do almost all the talking. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told “You don’t talk very much, do you?”
  • I was often at a loss for words while chatting, I didn’t know what to say next, and when I did say something I regularly stumbled, bumbled and embarrassed myself.
  • At the occasional party or social event I went to, I would mostly stand by myself in a corner, while others were interacting and having fun.
  • I only had a couple of friends and I had never been in a serious relationship.

So if you have any one of these issue right now, I wanna let you know that I’ve been there and I know exactly how it feels.

After a while I realized that the crux of my problems was my lack of social confidence. And that if I fixed this issue, everything else will, for the most part, fall into place. My social interactions would get much better, and my social life as well.

A had to go through a lot of trial and error testing and a lot of tedious research (a couple of years of it actually) in order to find an effective solution for my shyness. But I eventually did. And then by implementing it, in a few short months I saw my social confidence skyrocket.

By gaining social confidence, my social interactions and my social life have turned nearly 180 degrees. Today, things are very different for me from the way they used to be. Today, thanks to my social confidence:

  • I’m comfortable with talking to all kinds of people. I typically feel relaxed, self-assured, and I know that I can be myself and others will like me just the way I am.
  • I engage actively in conversations instead of being quiet. Sometimes I’m the one doing most of the talking, even in group discussions, and I like being the center of attention.
  • Conversations run smoothly for me. I instinctively know what to say and how to say it, when to crack a joke and how to spice up the conversation. Or at least it seems instinctive now.
  • Others are visibly more eager to talk to me. They often initiate the conversation and try to keep it going. And I’m frequently told that I’m “interesting” or “funny”; which to this day still surprises me sometimes.
  • A have many really cool friends I deeply enjoy spending time with. I go out several times per week, attend social events, meet new people, socialize and have a blast.
  • I still do many solo activities as well, but much less than before and now it's only because I want to, not because I don’t have anything else to do.
  • I date regularly, I’ve been with some amazing women, and if I ever decide to settle down, I know I'll have no problem finding a quality woman to settle down with.

What I’ve learned about building social confidence enriched my life so much that after a while I began teaching it to others, and it soon became my full-time job. I’ve now been working as a social confidence coach since 2008, I’ve coached clients from over 20 countries, on 5 continents, and my confidence and communication courses have been purchased by thousands of people.

Me Speaking at an Event

Me Speaking at an Event

I also give speeches about the psychology of confidence-building at conferences and events, to audiences of up to 500-1000 people. And I love it!

On a more personal side, I live a location-independent lifestyle, I do a lot of salsa and west coast swing dancing, I love psychology and despite travelling a lot, I’m still terrible with directions.

If you want to overcome your shyness or social anxiety and enjoy amazing relationships, I wanna let you know that you can do this. And you don’t have to go through the lengthy trial and error process I went through. You can learn what works from the get go, take the right path from the start and begin seeing your social confidence go up from day one.

I’ve laid out the best psychological techniques I know for overcoming shyness and social anxiety in my Conversation Confidence guide: a straightforward, step-by-step manual for improving social confidence and enabling yourself to make effortless conversation. And once you’ve done this, an ocean of opportunities will open up in your social life and love life.

Go to this page to learn more about this guide.

If you have any questions or queries, I encourage you to contact me.