Hi! I’m Eduard Ezeanu, and I’m a social confidence coach. Over the past 6+ years, I’ve worked with shy and socially anxious people from over 20 countries, on 5 continents, to help them prevail over their social insecurities.


If you’re looking for a trustworthy solution to put an end to your shyness or social anxiety and have a fulfilling social life and love life, I’d like to show you why my Conversation Confidence guide is the solution for you.

The Conversation Confidence guide is the product of my personal experience of overcoming my own crippling social insecurities after doing heaps of research and experimentation, as well as my years of professional experience coaching one-on-one literally hundreds of people in improving their social confidence, and tracking their results.

In the Conversation Confidence guide I will teach you step-by-step my practical method for overcoming shyness and social anxiety, and getting solid social confidence. It’s a method which has already been used by several thousand shy and socially anxious people, and has created some impressive results.

My method will not only help you successfully beat your shyness or social anxiety, but also to achieve a whole set of related benefits as a result:

  • You’ll feel noticeably more comfortable in social settings, and you’ll be more eager to attend parties, get-togethers and social events, meet new people and interact with people.
  • You’ll be able to start conversations with a variety of people, keep them going without getting stuck and feel like you’re connecting with them.
  • You’ll feel much more relaxed chatting with others, including unfamiliar people, groups of people and members of the opposite sex; you’ll be more open and talkative.
  • Others will find you more interesting, funnier, wittier and more alluring, which will make it easier to get and keep the relationships you want.
  • You’ll be able to make real friends, build a fun social life, have more and better options in your love life, and get ahead in your career.
  • You’ll be happier with yourself as a person, have a more upbeat mood each day, and feel more content with your life.

You can experience all of this by overcoming your shyness or social anxiety. Getting this handled could be one of the best things you’ll ever do in life.

Something I’ve learned though by overcoming my own social insecurities and coaching others in doing the same for the past 6+ years, is that prevailing over shyness and social anxiety is often not what is seems. It’s a deceitful and sometimes paradoxical endeavor. It doesn’t work the way most people think it does.

The first of two key points to understand about dealing with shyness and social anxiety is this:

The One Reliable Way to Overcome Shyness and Social Anxiety Is By Making Some Calculated Changes in Your Thinking Patterns

Probably the most common piece of advice shy and socially anxious people get is to “just be more social” or “just be yourself” or “just stop caring what others think”. This kind of advice is typically given by people who’ve never been seriously shy or socially anxious themselves, and don’t really know what it feels like. And it rarely, if ever, helps.

You’ve probably tried multiple times to just be more social, be yourself and not care what others think of you. But it’s not that simple. And that’s because you can’t turn off or overpower the anxiety you feel in social situations just like that and act the way you want. It’s not the way such an emotion works. It’s not designed to be under your direct voluntary control.

However, this anxiety is essentially generated by certain thinking patterns that get triggered in your mind in social situations. These thinking patterns include split-second evaluations, interpretations and associations, many of which you may not even be aware of at this point. And you do have direct voluntary influence over your thinking.

First date in cafe

Thus, you can indirectly soothe the anxiety you feel in social situations, by making the optimal changes in your thinking. Thus you’ll genuinely feel more relaxed and self-assured, and this will allow you to be more social, talkative, witty, interesting, etc.

Moreover, with some practice, this new way of thinking will become a habit, and feeling confident in social situations will then happen naturally and effortlessly. This is the only reliable way I know to develop enduring social confidence.

This being said, I have to add another important point:

Changing Your Thinking Patterns to Gain Social Confidence Is an Entire Process with Some Little Known Steps and Rules

To “change your thinking” is a frequent recommendation in the vast self-help literature on confidence building. However, this act is usually oversimplified and trivialized. We are encouraged to “just think positive” or control what we think or listen to subliminal messages, which is crude and usually useless advice.

The truth is that making a significant and lasting change in your thinking patterns is not a basic action like putting on your pants. It’s a whole psychological process. And while this process is in my experience not overly complicated, it does have to take place in certain phases, by certain guidelines in order to be successful.

Think of changing your thinking to gain social confidence as similar to baking a double fruit cake with fudge frosting. It involves a series of well-defined steps and instructions. If you know them well and follow them, you’re gonna end up with a tasty double fruit cake with fudge frosting. But if you don’t, you may not even end up with something eatable.

First of all, bear in mind that you have over 50.000 thoughts per day. You can’t just control all these thoughts. It’s an overwhelming task. So it’s essential to know which thoughts to address and when, in order to create strong boosts in your confidence. Your whole action course has to be well structured.

Second of all, consider the fact that your mind often tends to resist new ways of thinking, including positive ones, and latch on to the old ones. It’s important to know how to bypass this resistance and put new ways of thinking in your mind in a manner that aids it embrace them.

And third, it’s worth realizing that your behavior also plays a key role. Your thoughts, feelings and behavior are interconnected after all. And by making some strategic tweaks in your behavior, you can create positive social experiences for yourself that help change your thinking and raise your social confidence.

This is the kind of understanding that’s important to have when seeking to overcome shyness or social anxiety. And unfortunately, many articles, books, courses and methods addressing this topic don’t provide this understanding, frequently because their authors don’t really have it to begin with.

The extensive research and personal experimentation I’ve done in order to overcome my own shyness and social anxiety helped me gain a thorough understanding of how this process of changing your thinking works in order to improve social confidence.

Then, coaching privately over 200 shy and socially anxious individuals since early 2008 helped me deepen this understanding even more. Drawing from all this experience and know-how, I’ve created the Conversation Confidence guide.

To date, this guide has been purchased by over 2000 people from over 50 countries on 6 continents: men and women, young and old, slightly shy and severely socially anxious. Many of them have reported having achieved amazing social confidence boosts by applying it. You can read what some of them have to say about the guide on this page.

What You’ll Learn in the Conversation Confidence Guide

CD Cover Small - Alpha DesignThis Conversation Confidence guide is designed to go to the roots of shyness and social anxiety (which is your thinking) and weed them out from the roots. It will provide you clear, precise instructions on how to make the right changes in your thinking patterns in order to become socially confident.

Plus, it will help you understand yourself better, give you a better grasp of conversation dynamics and teach you effective social behavior.

Here are some of the specific things you’ll learn in the Conversation Confidence guide:

  • A refreshing way of looking at conversation that will make it easier for you to engage in conversation and feel confident when interacting with others.
  • The 4 fundamental limiting beliefs that are at the root of shyness and social anxiety, how these beliefs work and the structured approach you can take to eliminate them.
  • How to accurately identify the distorted thinking patterns that feed your nervousness in social situations, so you can effectively deal with them.
  • A 4-step mental process for overcoming these distorted thinking patterns and the specific rules of this process, which is validated by a stack of psychological research.
  • Why positive affirmations and positive thinking don’t work well in gaining long-term confidence, and an effective alternative I call Power Statements, used by over 90% of my coaching clients.
  • The key changes to make to develop a better self-image and not feel intimidated by high-status people, groups of people or members of the opposite sex.
  • How to stop seeing false or exaggerated risks in social situations, so you’ll be much more relaxed and outgoing. And yes, many of the risks you see are probably this kind.
  • A practical way to become more social, which doesn’t rely on brutally pushing yourself into social situations and feeling paralyzing fear.
  • The 12 things that socially insecure people typically do in conversations and may consider helpful, but actually strengthen their anxiety and make a poor impression on others (something I call The Dirty Dozen).
  • The 12 effective behaviors to replace The Dirty Dozen, which will boost your confidence, plus help you have smoother conversations and make a great impression.
  • A set of exercises that will assist you to get out of your head and be more present during conversations, thus making conversations flow more naturally.
  • A technique to keep conversations going and avoid awkward silences, which goes to the root of the problem.
  • How to use a range of verbal elements of confident communication to be more witty, funny, interesting and attractive when chatting with people.
  • The top 3 changes you can make in your non-verbal communication in order to feel more confident and also appear more confident when talking to others.
  • How to approach building social confidence in order to make the most progress, in the shortest amount of time.

What the Conversation Confidence Package Consists Of

The Conversation Confidence guide is a digital program. You will get access to it and you will be able to download it to your computer, tablet or smartphone as soon as you make the purchase. When you buy the Conversation Confidence guide, you will receive 3 things:

1. The Conversation Confidence Audio Guide: 4 hours of high-quality audio content, divided into 26 easily digestible chapters. You can listen to them at home, in your car, on the street, just about anywhere. In these 26 chapters I describe step-by-step the process of overcoming shyness and social anxiety. I also give lots of practical examples and share real case studies.

2. The Conversation Confidence Handbook: a PDF handbook that highlights the key ideas of the audio guide and provides an outline of the process of building social confidence, to help you implement this process in your life day by day and see your confidence go up.

3. Turn on Your Charm: a bonus audio presentation at no extra cost, in which I’ll show you the 5 central elements of making charismatic conversation, and how to employ them when you talk to people.

The price of this entire Conversation Confidence program is $39.95.


I believe firmly that no matter how shy or socially anxious you are, you can overcome this, get good at conversation, build meaningful relationships with others and enjoy a fulfilling social life.

My own success in overcoming my social insecurities is only a minor reason for believing this. What I’ve witnessed on a regular basis over the past 6+ years, working as a social confidence coach, is the major reason.

I’ve seen and read so many impressive transformations from socially insecure to socially confident that I don’t even think of such a transformation as merely possible. I think of it as predictable; as long as you have a reliable instructions manual, and you put it into practice. The Conversation Confidence guide is meant to be this manual and ensure you have the proper guidance. Putting it into practice is up to you.

So I invite you to grab your copy of the Conversation Confidence guide right now, and in a few minutes you can start learning my tried and tested method for overcoming shyness and social anxiety. Life is too short to waste a single day of it. Please take action now!

Get the Conversation Confidence Guide for Just $39.95 

If you have any questions or queries, don’t hesitate to contact me. I reply personally and promptly to all emails.

I look forward to talking to you again. To your success!

Your social confidence coach,

Eduard Ezeanu